Several weeks ago, I closed my other blog. The URL and front page are still up, so that the two cyber bullies can't swipe it—one of them has a habit of grabbing discarded URLs. I am posting the blog's final entry here as well.
(May 15, 2009) This is an unpleasant topic, and I am going to spend as little time on it as possible.
A friend of mine started a blog a few years ago, and was attacked by a bully in her first week. His vicious comments shook her up so badly that she closed the blog down. In her case, it was a drive-by bully, the kind of nastiness that she described as a zoo animal screeching at anyone walking by its cage. Random meanness. I wholly respected my friend's decision to quit, but I also believed (then) that you DON'T STOP blogging because of a cyber bully.
Bullies are unhappy, bored, disturbed, or just plain mean enough to want to take it out on someone else. They are looking for a diversion from their own misery and will take any attention they can get, even if the attention is negative. Ignoring them usually doesn't make them go away.
For three years I have been stalked by two persistent bullies. One is a woman, and she is obsessed with the other bully. Aware of his enormous hatred for me, she is not above using dirty tricks to get his attention. She writes emails to him in my name and posts blog comments in my name, and ADMITS it. She goads him into attacking me. But what makes her a bit unusual for a bully is that she can switch allegiances in the blink of an eye. Just as she is capable of attacking me, she is every bit as capable of attacking him. If this description of her sounds like a contradiction, she is that. You never know where you stand with Susan.
You might be new here and thinking: Oh, boy, two women are having a cat fight! Wrong. Anyone who has read the blogs knows that I have never been a combative blogger. Susan, on the other hand, lives to fight. If you go to gretawire.blogs.foxnews.com, you will see her malicious comments, posted under the aliases Suzi, Sammie, Deb, Kay and Jane, and many other names. She regularly slams the women posters on that site for no reason. Greta Susteren, who is the site's adminstrator, has called her a "miserable person".
Susan and the other (main) bully, Thomas Churchwell, don't have paying jobs, but both are hard at work slurring the reputations of good people. Today, having nothing better to do, Susan found a post on some blog and accused me of plagiarizing it. She flooded my inbox with vindictive emails, sent copies of her emails to Bully No. 1, and even wrote that my dog doesn't exist.
To understand why she became unhinged again, you have to know what happened yesterday. I stumbled upon a Tweet of hers, via a link to my blog that I saw on my site meter. When I clicked on the page, I saw this:
Enjoying Churchwell's photos.
12:42 PM Apr 4th from web
Later, Susan tried to pass off her Tweet as "sarcasm." Yet, to anyone who can read English, or is familiar with the long time cat and mouse games played by her and Churchwell, the phrase "enjoying churchwell's photos" had to be a compliment. I think she was embarrassed and pissed that I saw it, figuring I never would, since I don't twitter, or maybe she just forgot it was on her page.
And her accusation one day later that I plagiarized a blog post? See the paragraph above.
On two separate occasions she has attacked me. Outrageous, mean and vile attacks, considering that I did NOTHING to warrant them, never said one negative thing about her until she launched her first attack on me. That attack took mean to a whole new level. It was just breathtakingly mean. I was in fact going through a difficult time, and she made me feel like shit.
I have known of Susan's love-hate obsession for Churchwell for ages, but I was stunned the first time she betrayed me. Today, it was just as galling, but it doesn't hurt. She is just going to attack anyone who mentions her fixation for Churchwell. As a bully she is not as obvious as he is, but she may be more diabolical, because she has written about a million emails and made about a million phone calls pretending to be my friend.
Susan is a bully and a betrayer, not a friend. And frankly, I don't give a flying rat's ass about her opinion, or Churchwell's.
Last December I tried to go my merry way. I wanted to have a nice blog. But I didn't want to ruffle the main bully's feathers by doing too much more than trying to keep up the blog. So, I wrote just a few defense posts on my other site, foolishly thinking this would stop his libel. Meanwhile, I continued to blog here, until he started attacking me here also, which he has done with stunning regularity. Yet, I mostly left it alone, and asked the friends I emailed to leave it alone. I even was cordial when Susan commented on my site. Her double face was galling.
To sum up this post so far: Today, Bully No. 1 moved back a tier, and Bully No. 2 moved forward.
Just how long can an average person take abuse from a cyber bully? My friend, who closed her blog, couldn't take it for more than a week. Sadly, when children and teens can't take it anymore, a few commit suicide. Churchwell started attacking me in 2006. Bullies generally target females who are nice. When I wrote my first defense post, he stepped up his attacks. I got so sick after that I ended up in a hospital with pleurisy. Those attacks easily could have KILLED me.
As for the other unsavory aspects of blogging: petty jealousies, cat fights, symbiosis and the rest, I never wanted any of it. If a site I read has some melodrama brewing, I go on to the next feed. When Bully No. 1 put his dirty footprints all over my comment section, I sent his abuse to its own site. You didn't find melodrama happening on this site, because I simply didn't want it.
I'm so freaking done. I'm tired of taking the high road and being libeled by two bullies. I'm tired of betrayals. By chasing Churchwell for three years, Susan has done more harm to female cyber victims than she will ever understand.
I think right now that there are some really bad people who blog. BAD, ugly sad people. People who are miserable and want to shift the blame off their own sad little lives onto others. People who live to bully.
Go away, you sad, mean people. And please, don't ever bother me again. I don't want to know you, I don't want your emails, and I don't want to even know you're alive.
To others reading this post, if I have another blog, it will be PRIVATE. This means you will have a user name and password to read it. If you are unable to substantiate who you are, or refuse to do so, I won't add you, even if your name is Donald, and your address is Trump Tower. Believe me. You will not be reading another blog of mine if you think it's okay to be pals with a cyber bully.
Finally, to the REAL PEOPLE and FRIENDS who took the time to read my blogs, I sincerely thank you for showing up.
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