To his PSYCHIATRIST: I remember you viewed my site last summer. I hope you will do so again.
Your patient's irrational behavior has worsened since he was removed from SUS, and as one of his cyber victims, I have to ask you again to do something about him. I realize personality disorders cannot be cured. There is no medical miracle for Thomas Churchwell's problem, but surely he can be controlled somehow?
Your patient targeted me in 2006 simply because I talked to him on the Internet for two or three weeks. When I realized he was a liar, I ended the conversations, and he began his attacks on me the next day. He seems to think that he is a professional photographer and that I am a fraud when, in fact, it's the other way around. He also thinks that he is entitled to destroy my blog, my photography business, and threaten my life. My immediate request is that you do something about him, be it stronger medication, or putting him to work, so that he doesn't have so many idle hours to act out. You can contact me at bloggingright@yahoo.com.

Your patient's irrational behavior has worsened since he was removed from SUS, and as one of his cyber victims, I have to ask you again to do something about him. I realize personality disorders cannot be cured. There is no medical miracle for Thomas Churchwell's problem, but surely he can be controlled somehow?
Your patient targeted me in 2006 simply because I talked to him on the Internet for two or three weeks. When I realized he was a liar, I ended the conversations, and he began his attacks on me the next day. He seems to think that he is a professional photographer and that I am a fraud when, in fact, it's the other way around. He also thinks that he is entitled to destroy my blog, my photography business, and threaten my life. My immediate request is that you do something about him, be it stronger medication, or putting him to work, so that he doesn't have so many idle hours to act out. You can contact me at bloggingright@yahoo.com.

Thomas Churchwell likes to say that those old parody blogs, published more than a year ago in response to his hate writings about women, are the reason for all of his problems. Don't buy into the BS. Churchwell was attacking bloggers years before the parody blogs were ever published.
As for the other hater, I don't know what part, if any, that Susan played in his post today. She may be too busy disrupting the Greta blog to make trouble for me. But I imagine she is belly laughing over this. She and Churchwell are very much alike, after all. The only real difference between them is education.
To everyone else, please learn from my experience. What happened to me is a lesson to anyone who thinks trust should be handed out on the Internet like candy. I trusted Churchwell and Susan, when I met them online, and look where it got me. Be careful out there.
As for the other hater, I don't know what part, if any, that Susan played in his post today. She may be too busy disrupting the Greta blog to make trouble for me. But I imagine she is belly laughing over this. She and Churchwell are very much alike, after all. The only real difference between them is education.
To everyone else, please learn from my experience. What happened to me is a lesson to anyone who thinks trust should be handed out on the Internet like candy. I trusted Churchwell and Susan, when I met them online, and look where it got me. Be careful out there.
Your blog is lovely. No one is providing Turdy the attention he craves. Try to ignore him, thought I know it's hard.
I am so sorry you have gone through this. He oughta be locked away where he can't write things like that. You are a good person. You didn't deserve this. I hope he rots in hell.
Scarlett, everyone loves you. Just remember that. I know how much you adore my little ones and what it must do to you to read sick things about children. God help that Thomas Churchwell, he IS going to rot in hell!!!
Why is he stalking you? The man must be crazy. Put him away.
Did you see the mentally ill person's photos? He's a day late and dollar short in the creativity and skills department. Yeah, yeah, he likes to blame his problems on medication.
I say he needs more meds!
Scarlett = Grace Kelly
T. Churchwell = Charles Manson
Anonymous said...
Scarlett = Grace Kelly
T. Churchwell = Charles Manson
Truer words have never been "posted". The man is crazy.
Not only that but he hires local whores to "model". He lives in a trash district and "works" with trash. That's his life. ONE huge dump site.
Scarlet = interesting to read
Tarquin = boring
I sent an email to Shadeeka - warning her to stay away from TurdBall. (Not from my usual email address of course)
She replied with thanks.
You're a saint to put up with Turdy's lies. But then aren't we all?
I'm watching TMC and Gone With the Wind. I've never seen the ENTIRE movie but of course, read the book.
Take care,
Normally I don’t care about the amateur blogs…but your stalker's is actually pretty funny. I knew there were uneducated low lifes in the world...but I think Thomas Churchwell hit the jackpot there. Keep going Tarquin...uh, Thomas, you’re only making yourself look like an idiot.
As for those "models", is he kidding us? I've seen better looking women in a line up. Its hilarious that he paid them to pose for pictures in his living room. Should we tell him to watch out? I hear whores in the hood can get pretty ugly.
Can't. Stop. Laughing.
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