Attention Greta Wire Readers: I heard that Thomas Churchwell, a stalker on my blog, is saying that the author of my blog is Susan a/k/a Suzi a/k/a SuziQ. That is a stupid lie. My name is Scarlett and I am the only author.
Update: After flooding my inbox with more than 300 lurid comments this week, Thomas Churchwell is trying to dupe the readers of Greta Wire. If readers of that forum can stomach a factual account of his shady doings, they are welcome to read my blog in its entirety.
Thomas Churchwell has spent three years writing malicious lies about me. It started after I befriended him on a message board in 2006 (fortunately, we never met). He seemed to be grieving the murdered socialite Christa Worthington and I felt sorry for him. But after talking with him for about three weeks, I found out that his long ago "romance" with Ms. Worthington had been brief, that she had let him stay in her apartment out of pity, because he had been living in a flophouse, and that it wasn't long before she threw his belongings into the street, sick of his mooching. All of this is documented in Maria Flook's book Invisible Eden. I caught him in other lies. For example, he told me that he was a famous retired magician, when, in fact, he was living in a lock-down building in Queens, his only source of income a small, monthly disability check that pays his rent in that building, and nowhere else, because he savagely beat a man and blinded him, and was declared too anti-social to live on his own. When I discovered the appalling truth about him, I ended our chats, and he began his attacks on me the next day.
This page was started by me as a defense blog against his libel. I also hoped it would serve as a helpful resource for other victims of cyber bullying. I have tried to ignore the hundreds of defamatory posts that Thomas Churchwell has written about me in his relentless attempts to destroy my reputation and photography career, but trying to ignore his abuse has never stopped it. For this reason, I have periodically added posts to this page, and tonight I felt it was necessary to do so again, after he spewed malicious lies about me on Greta's very public blog. Fortunately, I am blessed with a wonderful support system.
Here's something you can take to the bank. My blog has never been written by Susan/Suzi. Along with the obvious fact that her writing style and mine are completely different, there are one or two posts here that are not exactly flattering to her ( I wrote them after SHE libeled me last fall). If you know the combative Susan/Suzi/Sammie/Deb from the Greta Wire blog, then you already know that she has an ego as large as the Internet and would never write anything unflattering about herself.
The following is the post that actually belongs with the above post title. Thomas Churchwell would like to see it slide on down the page.
In a blog post this morning, Churchwell wrote this malicious lie again:
"How funny that this one hater from North Carolina... Her writing about me as a 10 year old having sex with my teacher is writing child porn and just because I know that and I post what she does doesn’t make me a person interested in child porn."
Here are the facts. I never wrote a story about Churchwell having sex with a teacher. Several years ago his old blog fan KMA, who I don't know, wrote a fantasy post on Churchwell's blog that concerned a teacher spanking Churchwell.
Update: I found the post written by KMA. Churchwell posted it on this site. Be warned, if you go there, it's a child porn website. How did I find it so fast? Simple. I typed "kiddie porn + Tarquin Churchwell" in a search bar and it came up on the first page: (click on image to enlarge)
Curiously, the post has been altered. It now contains the same grammatical errors and misspellings found in Churchwell's disjointed writings. Which suggests that Churchwell altered it himself. It reads like it was written by someone impaired by drugs, alcohol or mental illness. Not my style of writing:
"Upon further investigation into Tarquins (sic) early years it seems his mother was called to the principals (sic) office when Tar was a mere 10yo. (sic) Seems Tar had sex with his 4th grade teacher & was being sent home w/mom. Mom called Dad to come home and handle the uncomfortable challange (sic) of discussing what happened at school. Dad & Tar when (sic) for a ride to talk about what happened. Dad said it was normal to have fantisies (sic) about some of his teachers "but perhaps it was not such a good thing to act them out and maybe we should all just try & put this all ~behind~ us and go home and hopefully he best not do it again." Tar said: "Gee thanks for understanding Dad." And they went home. As they were pulling into the driveway Tar says "Hey Dad, do you think you can give me a ride over to my friend Billys (sic) house?" Whereupon his Dad said "Why son why not take your bike & ride it over there?" To which little Tarquin replies: "Yeah, well I would Dad... But my butt is really hurting." And now Tarquin wants to 'give it back' - what he learned at school - To anyone who crosses him or Ha Ha - "Lies". Where (sic) on to you fella -You are in need of serious help. You know: 'Unresolvedchildhood' (sic) "issues" still linger. The more you dish it out the more we gonna put it wherethe (sic) sun don't shine!"
Now here is Churchwell again, still on the same site, impersonating KMA in a second comment. You can tell he's excited:"I'm KMA. I own Cape Cod today. A very successfull (sic) online website about Cape Cod. I let people write about anything they want. I write about children sex. I love writing about children having sex. Come to Cape Cod today and read some of my stories."I never met KMA, but he surely was not an owner of Cape Cod Today. However, Churchwell had a beef with Cape Cod Today, after the editor there shut down his blog for TOS violations. Evidently, he decided to slur KMA and the editor in one swoop.His post today, along with the altered post on the child porn site, proves that he has been lying all along. Lying about me for attention. Attention Thomas Churchwell shouldn't want, since his writings broadcast to the world that he can't stop fixating on children. Everyone expects him to be classless, ignorant and a hater of women, that's a given. But I would suggest keeping child exploitation and writing about children in a sexual way out of his public displays of hate. To the world, this says that he may be a pedophile.
Amen, sister.
He's insane, Scarlett...
Insane? Yeah. I know you stalk Scarlett's blog round the clock, so I'll leave this here for you, kid porn guy. Hows this, I will buy you a nice shiny bus ticket from Jamaica, NY to right here in my state, we can take plenty of pictures and I'll even let you try to fix my hair for me? I mean all of this silly nonsense and threats and defamation about Scarlett, let’s meet up and talk about it, my expense, no sweat. I will be more than happy to post the pictures from our meeting...
Oh, you want my name, don't you? Sorry, kid porn guy, can't give you my name before we meet, because I got a family, see, and I wouldn't like it if you started stalking my family.
I'll be in touch.
Tarquin is getting sicker, an obvious side-effect of SUS terminating his stay and benefits. Who, in the hell stays on a blog all day and makes threat. Obviously, his claim of photographic success is a lie, as is his involvement at Model Mayhem. That site is a bunch of con artists and fugly girls, who want to see their "face in lights".
TarQueer is a con man, first, last and forever. I should also add a stalker and a freak. Stay safe, Scarlett. The world needs your kindness and talent.
HaHa. You can always tell when he's lying. His fingers are typing.
I agree with you.
Hey, don't forget, Tarquin Churchwell accused at least 4 other bloggers of being pedophiles. He's been obsessed for years and its unnatural, sick. I say its time for him to tell the truth about himself.
Who's Tarquin?
Have you seen Vicky Cristina Barcelona? Lust in the darkroom? Of course, only a real photographer, like yourself will understand the satirical nature of this film.
The commenter above is right. Thomas has a mental illness. He has written compulsively about children and has made accusations against people who are not guilty of any crime against children. One has to wonder why he does this, if not for some prurient interest.
Scarlett, I am using a pseudonym.
Scarlett, I was here a couple of days ago.
I just think it's amazing that you've stayed strong and calm for 3 yrs.
Here he is:
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance. They believe that they're superior to others and have little regard for other people's feelings. In particular, narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by dramatic, emotional behavior, in the same category as histrionic, antisocial and borderline personality disorders.
Narcissistic personality disorder symptoms may include:
Believing that you're better than others
Fantasizing about power, success and attractiveness
Exaggerating your achievements or talents
Expecting constant praise and admiration
Believing that you're special
Failing to recognize other people's emotions and feelings
Expecting others to go along with your ideas and plans
Taking advantage of others
Expressing disdain for others
Being jealous of others
Believing that others are jealous of you
Trouble keeping healthy relationships
Setting unrealistic goals
Being easily hurt and rejected
Having a fragile self-esteem
If you have narcissistic personality disorder, you come across as conceited, boastful or pretentious. You often monopolize conversations. You may belittle or look down on people you perceive as inferior. You may have a sense of entitlement. And when you don't receive the special treatment to which you feel entitled, you may become very angry and threatening.
Underneath all this grandiosity often lies a very fragile self-esteem. You have trouble handling anything that may be perceived as criticism. You may have a sense of secret shame. And in order to make yourself feel better, you may react with rage or contempt and efforts to belittle others to make yourself look better.
I stopped reading his blog a long time ago because every post was crammed with the most obvious lies. Like he was always trying to make people believe he knew movie stars. He was always on some lame attack about something and he went after anyone who was popular. Another thing was he was always putting pictures of himself on his blog. His eyes bothered me a lot. They appeared to be flat, mean......... no soul.
Gagging ugly.
What the f*ck did I do to Churchwell? He's on a very weird rant about me. It makes no sense. But then, nothing he does makes sense.
Hi Scarlett,
I've been reading some of your posts and I feel sick for you. First of all, the man stalking you is totally nuts. He needs help. I personally haven't had a stalker, but he sounds so much like a guy who stalked my friend on myspace last year. He was a psycho ex-boyfriend. After months and months of misery Erin finally ended the relationship which was not exactly what he had in mind. She knew he was unstable, but she did not expect him to follow her to myspace and confront people she hung out with. He sent bombarding emails and when she got another address, he even tried to get her friends to give him the address by saying that her sister's ex-husband was charging her with kidnapping of their child and he needed to warn her. That was a complete fabrication meant to play on our fear, because we all knew her sister left her husband because she suspected he had hit their child. After that, the twisted stalker wrote on myspace that HE was the victim and Erin was the sick one! Piece of work. Finally he got banned, when they found out that he was stalking 2 other people.
I'm sickened by the women that go to his "home". If they only knew, that months ago, he was locked up in a mental institution. Woe to the uninitiated and imbeciles - for they shall inherit the world of pervs.
What in the hell is going on? I'm gone all day and come home to more Churchwell BS.
First of all, I don't know what in the fuck he's writing about. It's obvious he needs to go back to SUS or be placed in solitary confinement with in a mental institution or jail.
We all know, I've NEVER had a thing to do with your blogs, ever. Unlike you, I'm not a great writer. The Asshole knows this and is just trying to further taunt and harass.
Scarlett, he's threatened by anything you do. Your new blog, your skill and status as a professional photographer, frankly anything you do, he resents.
Rest assured, I have NOTHING to do with him and believe he's running another scam. Thank goodness you have great friends and a new relationship that will help you through this.
hahahaha! He can't get a job. Nobody wants to hire a freaky freaky stalker.
Back in the good old days you would just pick up a baseball bat and knock the stalker in the head. The law won't let us do that anymore.
I would shoot her until the gun was empty Mar 9, 2009 (19 hours ago)
from CHURCHWELL by churchwell
A fan emailed me and ask me what I would do if I found out who she really was. My response is: “I would shoot her 1000 times even after she was dead I would continue to shoot.”
Oh wow.. this guy has no life. Lots of people are failures, but how many of them threaten to commit murder and put it on the internet? Scarlett, you should call the police, if you haven't already. You never know if this guy is a crazy person who just likes to threaten innocent people, or he's really a maniac. It's better to be sure ..
WTF??? Has he done this before? I think its best to report the threat, and if the problem persists you should take it to the police.
Yeah, you should report things like that.
Believe me, he's just an attention craving loser. You're doing the best thing by ignoring him, S. He's obviously a waste of life.
Now, Churchwell is using the "I'm crazier than a loon" defense. Sorry, jerk. Mental illness is not an affirmative defense to making death threats. In fact, it's not a legal defense to anything, unless of course, you can't distinguish right from wrong; which you can.
You have poor impulse control, a problem all your life. One day, you'll be locked up behind bars. That day can't come soon enough.
I made a mistake and went to Churchwell's professional website. LOL. It's hilarious. He has nothing but a bunch of big booby women as his claim to photo fame.
He's a joke but at the same time, very dangerous. It's always people on the fringe that act out. That lot includes Churchwell.
Stay safe, Scarlett.
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