Update! So much for giving it the old college try. Last week, I closed the comment section on this blog, hoping that would end Thomas Churchwell's stalking. It didn't. He just took his stalking show on the road to my other blog.
You can read some of his abuse here.
Today, he went back to Gretawire to post more of the same, evidently wanting readers of that blog to know that being a liar, stalker and cyber bully are the only things he knows how to do.
Is there anyone left in blogland who doesn't know that Thomas Churchwell is a stalker? He proved he is a stalker by playing that old phone message on the Internet for three years. What kind of person does something like that? A normal man doesn't write grotesque sexual lies about a woman and broadcast her phone message on the Internet. A normal man doesn't rape a woman's soul by posting her pictures, after she has asked him to stop. Has he no shame? What does his psychiatrist make of his behavior?
You can read some of his abuse here.
Today, he went back to Gretawire to post more of the same, evidently wanting readers of that blog to know that being a liar, stalker and cyber bully are the only things he knows how to do.
Is there anyone left in blogland who doesn't know that Thomas Churchwell is a stalker? He proved he is a stalker by playing that old phone message on the Internet for three years. What kind of person does something like that? A normal man doesn't write grotesque sexual lies about a woman and broadcast her phone message on the Internet. A normal man doesn't rape a woman's soul by posting her pictures, after she has asked him to stop. Has he no shame? What does his psychiatrist make of his behavior?
As for the libel he posted on GW today, it was flagged, which automatically threw any replies into 'comment moderation.' Here was one reply:
"The wonderful Scarlett spent a couple of weeks chatting on the Internet with this creep back in 2006. When she realized he was a liar, she ended the chats. But Churchwell wasn't about to let her go. The next day, he started attacking her on his blog. He has never stopped.
To read more about his stalking, go here.
Scarlett is not his only victim. There have been others, but Scarlett received the brunt of his abuse, because she had conversations with him.
As for that old phone message that the hate hobbyist keeps posting links to on Greta's blog, does he think people are too stupid to comprehend what Scarlett was saying? Really? Here is the gist: Scarlett was upset because Churchwell had been saying that she was Susan. Susan (Suzi) was writing a nasty blog about him at the time (incidentally, it was the first blog written about him) and Scarlett had nothing to do with it. She didn't like being accused of writing Susan's nasty blog.
He cut off the end of the message, when she said, "You should check yourself into a hospital." You can hear the first syllable of "hospital"; the rest of the word was snipped. But even though he snipped it (and will snip the entire sentence, after reading this), he left his cackle. Here was a woman who clearly was upset, but was trying to help him, and he was laughing at her!
Then, he began to stalk her, while telling all of blogland that she was stalking him! If you have read Churchwell's appalling, blabber-mouth account of his life, then you know that no woman would stalk Thomas Churchwell!
He has played her phone message on the Internet for 3 years. That's a long time to obsess over a woman who wants nothing to do with him. What does this say about him? It says he is a bully and a stalker."
That comment didn't make it into GW due to Churchwell's comment geting flagged. I wrote this post to set the record straight.
For more truth, go here: http://churchwelldumpingground.com/
To read more about his stalking, go here.
Scarlett is not his only victim. There have been others, but Scarlett received the brunt of his abuse, because she had conversations with him.
As for that old phone message that the hate hobbyist keeps posting links to on Greta's blog, does he think people are too stupid to comprehend what Scarlett was saying? Really? Here is the gist: Scarlett was upset because Churchwell had been saying that she was Susan. Susan (Suzi) was writing a nasty blog about him at the time (incidentally, it was the first blog written about him) and Scarlett had nothing to do with it. She didn't like being accused of writing Susan's nasty blog.
He cut off the end of the message, when she said, "You should check yourself into a hospital." You can hear the first syllable of "hospital"; the rest of the word was snipped. But even though he snipped it (and will snip the entire sentence, after reading this), he left his cackle. Here was a woman who clearly was upset, but was trying to help him, and he was laughing at her!
Then, he began to stalk her, while telling all of blogland that she was stalking him! If you have read Churchwell's appalling, blabber-mouth account of his life, then you know that no woman would stalk Thomas Churchwell!
He has played her phone message on the Internet for 3 years. That's a long time to obsess over a woman who wants nothing to do with him. What does this say about him? It says he is a bully and a stalker."
That comment didn't make it into GW due to Churchwell's comment geting flagged. I wrote this post to set the record straight.
For more truth, go here: http://churchwelldumpingground.com/